
Wingate.me: Is It Safe, Is It Legit?  

نسخة صوتية (اضغط على تشغيل وتصفح المقالة بسلاسة ▶️🎶)

Exploring the realm of private proxies, Wingate.me presents itself as a provider of premium IPv4/Socks5 servers. With an extensive proxy server pool and a range of plans, Wingate.me aims to cater to various user needs, though several red flags suggest proceeding with caution.

Wingate.me’s legitimacy is uncertain due to several issues: no valid domain certificate for its registration domain, absence of registration confirmation emails, lack of social proof, no clear privacy policy, and missing WHOIS data. These concerns suggest potential risks in security and privacy, indicating a need for caution before using their services.

Want to know more about Wingate.me private proxies? Continue reading…


تنويه: تم تطوير هذاه المادة لأغراض معلوماتية فقط، وهي لا تشكل تأييدًا لأي أنشطة (بما في ذلك الأنشطة غير القانونية) أو منتجات أو خدمات. أنت وحدك مسؤول بشكل كامل عن الامتثال للقوانين المعمول بها، بما في ذلك قوانين حماية الملكية الفكرية، عند استخدام خدماتنا أو الاعتماد على أي معلومات هنا. نحن لا نتحمل أي مسؤولية عن الضرر الناشئ عن استخدام خدماتنا أو المعلومات الواردة هنا بأي شكل من الأشكال، إلا في الحالات التي يُشترط فيها وجود ذلك صراحة بموجب القانون.

جدول المحتويات

  1. What is Private Proxy Wingate.me? 
  2. Wingate.me’s Pricing and Plans.
  3. Starting With Wingate.me? 
  4. The Limitations of Wingate.me 
  5. Is Wingate.me safe and legit? 
  6. Final Words. 

1. What is Private Proxy Wingate.me? 

Wingate.me claims to be a premier source for top-notch IPv4/Socks5 proxy servers. They offer swift, stable, and secure internet access via proxies across various global regions. They provide an extensive array of private IPv4/Socks5 proxies, customizable by country, type, level of anonymity, uptime, and port.

Currently, Wingate.me’s proxy server pool claims to boast between 12,000 to 15,000 IP addresses from various countries like Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Germany, France, England, and other European locales. They claim to refresh their proxy list every 15 minutes. Its users can access it directly through a link in their personal account, no need to download anything. 

Wingate.me homepage
Photo by Wingate.me

WinGate also claims the following: 

  • Round-the-Clock Support: Their support team is always ready to assist, ensuring you have help when you need it.
  • Guaranteed Anonymity: With Wingate.me, you can stay invisible and untraceable.
  • Affordable Options: With their competitive pricing, Wingate.me stands as a testament to affordability without compromising on quality.

2. Wingate.me’s Pricing and Plans.

Here is a chart outlining the plans and prices offered by Wingate.me for their proxy services:

Plan TypeالسعرIP RangeDuration
Monthly Mix$17012,000 – 15,000 IPs1 Month
Weekly Deal$6012,000 – 15,000 IPs1 Week
Daily Access$12Comprehensive Coverage24 Hours
1-Hour Free TrialFreeTest Service1 Hour
Monthly Heavy User$600Up to 30,000 IPs1 Month
Weekly Heavy User$180Substantial Number1 Week
Daily Heavy User$30Extensive IP Range24 Hours

These plans are designed to cater to a variety of needs, from casual users who may require a short-term proxy solution to heavy users who need a larger number of IPs for their operations. The “1-Hour Free Trial” allows users to test the service before committing to a purchase.

3. Starting With Wingate.me? 

Starting off with Wingate.me is supposed to be easy. Just register to an account and pay for your private proxy (IPv4/SOCKS5). Payment options include Visa, MasterCard, and WebMoney to accommodate you no matter where you’re from.

  • Register to an account: Register to Wingate.me service
  • Select Proxy: Pick the right proxy for your needs.
  • Choose Package: Decide on the number and location.
  • Add to Cart & Checkout: Review and pay securely.
  • Confirmation: Receive confirmation and setup instructions.

If you buy from Wingate.me, you should get access credentials. These include your proxy IP addresses, ports, username, and password if authentication is required. Additionally, you should also get setup instructions (via email), support access, and dashboard access. 

How to use the private proxy Wingate.me? 

Wingate.me’s SOCKS proxies enhance browsing and downloading when configured with browsers and torrent clients, and add security with VPNs. They’re useful with automation, proxy management, and marketing tools, improve gaming experiences, and support developers in testing environments. Adhere to Wingate.me’s terms and legal standards.

4. The Limitations of Wingate? 

Private proxy Wingate.me provider is not a software provider for proxy technology. It is in fact, often confused with the proxy server software Wingate.com. Although both are related to proxy technology, they are completely different. Wingate.me is a provider of private SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxies and Wingate.com is a professional proxy server software (with VPN, firewall, and email capabilities) aimed at the enterprise. Read more about Wingate.com in our full guide to Wingate.com.

Based on what we found about Wingate.me, the service lacks the following key proxy services:

  • IPv6 proxies
  • HTTP/HTTPS proxies
  • Mobile proxies
  • Datacenter proxies
  • Residential proxies
  • Dedicated proxy features
  • Rotating proxies
  • Direct integration tools
  • API access
  • User dashboard features

Need a reliable and superior alternative to Wingate.me? 

Experience enhanced online privacy with RapidSeedbox, where the shortcomings of Wingate.me are addressed with reliable IPv4 and IPv6 proxies.

5. Is Wingate.me safe and legit? 

Although the service looks like a normal proxy service provider, we saw a lot of red flags while reviewing Wingate.me. Consider these before making a purchasing decision. 

a. No valid domain certificate. 

First, we quickly checked if wingate.me was legit using Google Safe Browsing. Although the authenticity of wingate.me is legit (its digital certificate for HTTPS is valid and up to date), the different domain for login and register (http://cabinet.wingate.me) is not. It has an outdated digital certificate (No HTTPS). So, there is no way to guarantee the authenticity of this site. 

Wingate.me Certificate
Photo by Wingate.me

b. No confirmation email received. 

Against our common sense, we still attempted to register but we never got any confirmation email (and yes we checked the spam folder). Not receiving a confirmation email from wingate.me can be a security concern, as it’s a key part of account verification and communication. It might signal potential issues with their email system or reflect on the service’s reliability.

Wingate.me register
Photo by Wingate.me

c. No social proof.

If the technical aspects of a website are failing it is indeed a red flag, but hey! Anyone can make technical mistakes. So, for now, it doesn’t mean Wingate.me should be entirely distrusted. 

At this stage, social media plays a key role. Although Wingate.me advertises social media on its site (such as Twitter, VK, Facebook, or Youtube), none of the social media links are working (except for a Telegram and Skype contact). Social media accounts are really necessary for validating a service or website’s legitimacy.Plus, there are not many reviews or forums for user experiences regarding Wingate.me privacy practices. We couldn’t find information on Reddit or Quora about them. 

Wingate.me Social
Photo by Wingate.me

d. No privacy policy 

We couldn’t find a privacy policy before purchasing the product. Buying services from a provider without a clear privacy policy, especially for proxy services, poses risks due to potential gaps in data security and privacy. A privacy policy is crucial for several reasons: it ensures transparency about data handling, confirms data protection measures, shows compliance with legal requirements like GDPR, builds trust and credibility, enables informed customer decisions, guards against data misuse, and provides a basis for legal action if data is mishandled. Without it, you’re unaware of how your data is managed and protected, which can lead to privacy and security concerns.

e. No WHOIS data. 

wingate.me does not have any WHOIS information. This means that we cannot find out who owns the domain or where it is hosted. This lack of transparency raises some concerns about the legitimacy of the service. It also makes it difficult to assess the service’s history and reliability. If you are considering using wingate.me, it is wise to be cautious and seek other trust signals or consider more transparent services.

Wingate.me WHOIS
Photo by WHOIS Database

6. Final Words.

In summary, while wingate.me offers a range of proxy services and plans, its lack of essential security features like a privacy policy and valid domain certificates raises concerns. 

For those seeking secure and transparent proxy solutions, services like Rapidseedbox could be a safer alternative. 

Remember, security on the internet begins with trust in your service provider.

Need an alternative to Wingate.me? 

Rapidseedbox ensures anonymity, stability, and speed, backed by a 24-hour money-back guarantee and unlimited bandwidth.

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